Author, Activist, Teacher

"Anne Balay has done it again! Like Steel Closets, Semi Queer offers an ethnographically rich, historically grounded investigation of working-class sexuality, gender, and race in the contemporary United States. Trucking, like steel production, is an industry undergoing profound restructuring, and the stories Balay tells of people already marginalized by their bodies and identities finding ways to navigate these emerging conditions of everyday life is a revelation."--Susan Stryker, University of Arizona
"This compellingly readable and long-overdue study explores the lives of forty Northwest Indiana GLTB steel mill workers. I was privileged to read it as a draft and it is unbelievably powerful. I literally could not put it down. As a long time steelworker and past president of 10,000 member USW Local 1010, I believe this unique work deserves attention and needs to be widely read, especially by Union officers and activists. With this "coming out" of 40 steelworkers, the abuse and terror suffered by steelworkers who are "different" can no longer be ignored by management, or the Union." --Michael Olszanski